--------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT IS THE SSP MAILING LIST? --------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILED DESCRIPTION Promote your computer or software related product directly to 1,000+ mailing addresses of actual software users! This data list includes small businesses and home offices, computer hobbyists, private individuals, retirees, educators, and government users of software and computer hardware! These customers eagerly want your software or computer related catalog, software demo, brochure or advertising literature. Addresses of these customers derived from ACTUAL software product test mailings and shareware package registrations. Useful for computer equipment retailers, software developers, shareware authors, computer magazine publishers, shareware disk vendors and others seeking to market a computer or software related product. Mailing list supplied in dBase III format. Other formats available from product author. Registration ($35) brings updated mailing list PLUS additional addresses on the Volume Two bonus disk! Product also includes a short, easy to read "electronic booklet" of instructions about using this mailing list resource. Program runs on ALL systems and does NOT require color or special graphics. You will need a database program such as PC- File, Wampum, dBase, Rbase, Reflex, PopdBF or any database which can load files in dBase III format (DBF files). Hard drive suggested. Single issue registration available as well as subscriptions - 4 quarterly issues per year. This is NOT free software. This is NOT public domain software. This is shareware: you are expected to pay a registration fee to the author of this program if you find it useful. See registration details within the main package. This program is published in four editions per year: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter with minor updates during each quarter. Determine the edition using the revision number: 01 through 09 is Spring, 10 through 19 is Summer, 20 through 29 is Fall and 30 through 39 is Winter. Examples: Version 91.08 means 1991 Spring edition. Version 93.36 means 1993 Winter edition. ---------------------------------------------------------------- FILE DESCRIPTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------- README Brief introductory information, this file BOOK CFG Configuration file for electronic booklet FILE_ID DIZ Product description file for BBS use DATA EXE Mailing list, self-extracting file GO EXE Menu system for documentation, run this! LHATXT EXE LHA documentation ORDER EXE Automated order program for registration ORDER FRM Registration form CHAP1 TXT Getting started with this package CHAP2 TXT About registration and bonus disk CHAP3 TXT What is the SSP mailing list? CHAP4 TXT Using the mailing list CHAP5 TXT Adding or deleting YOUR name to/from the list CHAP6 TXT Catalog of products for marketing! CHAP7 TXT About author of this package CHAP8 TXT Product order form (refer to CHAP6.TXT) REGISTER TXT Additional registration form